Entry Registration:

a. Enter ACA official website (www.aca-hk.com), register and log in, complete the registration according to the page prompts and related instructions, and get the entry number.

b. Name the file according to the entry number you get, compress the file (RAR/ZIP) and send it to the corresponding mailbox according to the competition categories.


E-mail for Visual Communication Design Submission: aca_hk_library1@163.com

E-mail for Environmental Design Submission: aca_hk_library2@163.com

E-mail for Industrial Design Submission: aca_hk_library3@outlook.com

E-mail for Animation Design Submission: aca_hk_library4@outlook.com

E-mail for Fashion Design Submission: aca_hk_library5@outlook.com

E-mail for Interactive Design Submission: aca_hk_library6@outlook.com

E-mail for Arts and Crafts Submission: aca_hk_library7@outlook.com

Other Design Submission: aca_hk_library8@outlook.com


Photo Guide for Entry:
